
Who Can Go Whitewater Rafting?

With summer almost over, you may be looking for one last fun adventure. If you are looking for an adrenaline rush you should take your family and friends and go whitewater rafting! While it may sound pretty intimidating at first, you may be surprised by how much you enjoy your adventure. Some people may wonder if anyone can go whitewater rafting, or if only experienced swimmers should attempt a rafting trip. Read More 

Benefits Of Skydiving

If you've thought about skydiving before but you've never actually done it, then you should follow through. While you may have your own reasons for being intrigued by the thought of skydiving, there are a lot of fantastic reasons for doing it and you may not have realized even half of them. Here are some of the things that you will get to enjoy if you decide to go skydiving. Read More 

Three Reasons That Breathing Is Important When Skydiving

It's easy to involuntarily hold your breath the second you jump out of an airplane during your first skydiving experience. Even though you'll be jumping as a tandem — that is, strapped to an instructor — you'll feel a combination of nerves and exhilaration as you go along for the ride. The idea of remembering to breathe may seem funny, as your body knows that it needs oxygen, but it can be tempting to hold your breath during some of your descent. Read More 

3 Fun Weekend Activities For Thrill Seeking NYC Couples Who Find The Beach Boring

If you and your significant other find the beach boring, that doesn't mean you have to let the summer fun pass you by. There are plenty of cool outdoor activities that you can participate in that are exciting and also let you spend time outdoors. The list below will cover three cool weekend activities to take part in. Kayaking The Hudson River This one if perfect if you like to be out on the water. Read More 

Bring Your Own Watercraft For The Skinners Falls To Pond Eddy Run On The Delaware River

If you're looking for a fun adventure this spring or summer, then a trip down the Delaware River can't be beat. One of the best stretches of the river is the run from Skinners Falls to Pond Eddy. It's very popular with river tour companies, but is also open to the public. You can bring your own watercraft and launch into the river at Skinners Falls and spend a few hours on the river. Read More